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Monday, March 06, 2006

The J'ist in me

Today while reading the interview with Karan Thapar and Mani Shankar Aiyar on the stripping of the petroleum portfolio I realised that my interests were more towards current affairs and politics. I have always been interested in this and only today it struck me that is one profession where I would like to be in. However, weird it might sound Journalism could have been my career, but may be it is a little too late or probably a little early. But my dream still is to work for the UN in some capacity that will complement my technical and managerial skills.

But for now I get back to reading the interview. Well, if anybody is interested in the interview here is the URL§ion_id=4&single=true. I used to think PHP is on the way out, but, on the contrary more and more sites are on PHP. Just, proves that I am a little lost in touch with whatz happening on the internet.